This full city block development, undertaken by Winten Property , provides a new railway station and major public square as the focus for a ground-breaking landmark town-centre development.Two residential apartment towers to the north of the site sit either side of the new St Leonards railway station, while three commercial office buildings front the southern end of the site at the Pacific highway. The building massing encloses a central piazza, featuring a central oval-shaped pool of water .The entire plaza space is ringed with Ground floor retail and food outlets. Generous in size and regular in plan, this plaza space is both urban square and entry forecourt to the new railway station.
This project , now over twenty years old is still functioning as a successful benchmark urban development, integrating a railway station with popular urban square and remains a desirable place to live, shop and work.
Forum is the recipient of numerous awards, including the inaugural Urban Taskforce Award for Design Excellence 2002
Client: Winten Property . Gary Rothwell in charge.
Architect: PTW ;
Director in charge, design: Andrew Andersons ; Director in charge, construction: Tony Rossi
Project Design architect / associate director : Keith Pike
Structural Engineer: TTW ; Design Engineer: Richard Green & Andrew Simpson
Project Date: 1996- 2003
© Copyright Keith Pike Associates